5 steps to a worry-free renovation

By Samuel Lapidus of Keystone Ridge Developments Ltd.  Everyone has a horror story about a home renovation gone wrong, from losing your deposit, spending more than you anticipated, or a project that took too long to finish. The reality is that the average homeowner doesn’t know all they should know when undertaking a renovation project. Ask […]

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7 Elements to Include in your Home Renovation Contract

“A verbal contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.” While historians disagree on who came up with this timeless quote, its accuracy isn’t questioned. That’s why when you hire someone to work on your home, you need a written contract.   A contract can be a simple one-page document or a “contract package” of many […]

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How much deposit should you pay for your renovation?

Whether you’re remodelling your entire kitchen or adding in a new deck for summer, you want to ensure your project is done well and by the appropriate professional. Some contractors will charge an advance payment or deposit for their work, but how much is reasonable?  Small Projects For small projects that will be completed quickly, […]

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The Ins and Outs of Renovation Warranties

When you hire a contractor to renovate or improve your home, there are a lot of details that need to be spelled-out in your work order or contract. The more obvious of these are a thorough description of the work to be done, the work schedule to be followed, and what amounts you will pay […]

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4 Amazing Kitchen Transformations from RenoMark Renovators

At the Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD) renovation should be our middle name. We’re always involved in helping people complete renovations or advise on best practices. Seeing some of the work that BILD & RenoMarkTM Renovators does gets us excited! We’ve rallied up our 4 amazing kitchen transformations that will give you inspiration for […]

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