If beads of water run down the inside of your windows during cold weather, it’s not necessarily a sign you’ve got bad windows. In fact, your windows are probably doing just what they’re supposed to do — keeping outdoor air outside.
Different But Related Problems
Wet windows can simply be an indication of two different but related problems. Indoor humidity levels in your house may be too high, or the quality of air inside your home probably isn’t what it should be.
The solution to both these issues is increased ventilation. Experiment by running exhaust fans and range hoods longer and more often than usual, while also opening a couple of windows an inch or two. As stale, humid air is forced outside, fresh, low-moisture air is drawn indoors.
With sufficient ventilation, indoor humidity levels will drop, your windows will dry out, and the quality of air you breathe will improve. The only trouble is heat loss — you’ll be losing precious heated air to the outdoors.
Heat Recovery Ventilators
Want to have fresh air without raising your heating costs? A ventilation appliance called a heat recovery ventilator is the solution. It draws fresh outdoor air into your home while recovering most of the heat from stale, humid indoor air that it expels outside. A properly installed and operated HRV will solve wintertime window condensation and boost indoor air quality.
If you install an HRV, make sure you hire someone who’s properly qualified to do this type of specialized work. To get full value from your home improvement dollar, always work with professional contractors who back their work up with a written warranty. Click here for information on finding a reputable contractor to improve your home’s energy efficiency.